Kobo eBooks Store: An option for Nigerian Readers to Purchase EBooks

Have you tried to purchase an e-book on Amazon and you were thrown off/disappointed when you saw that:

This title is not available for customers from your location in Africa…   

Not to worry; KOBO BOOKs (founded in 2009 in Canada) is an option you may wish to consider. It presently has about 4 million titles, so you should be able to find that exciting book you’ve always wanted.

So what do you do?

  1. Download a free app which will sit nicely on your IPAD, Laptop or Phone: FREE APP
  2. Then browse through the titles and make a purchase… KOBO E-BOOKS

KOBO also recently launched an e-publishing platform. So if you are an Aspiring Writer, you may wish to explore their options further. KOBO WRITING LIFE

I have just re-published my first novel TAILED with KOBO books. You can check that out here and make a purchase pronto! TAILED (The Story of a Mother’s Curse)

Hope this helps. We surely need EBook options in Nigeria.

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