I find that the issue of writing fascinates many people. Every time I bring up the subject of my book, I most often get the same reaction:
“I would really love to write but I don’t know where to start from.”
“There is this subject I understand so well and I’m going to start writing soon, very very soon.”
“I feel I have a gift but I just don’t have the time to write…..”
I feel the frustration and so to counter this here are a few tips that will start you off on the road to becoming an author….
- You have a subject on your mind that you want to share with others, then just start. Get a notebook, pick up a pen and write. The journey of publishing a book or submitting an article for a newspaper or magazine starts with writing just one word. See? It’s not that hard.
- Write today, write tomorrow and just keep at it until you are through.
- Don’t let time be an excuse. Check this out, you will always find time for the things you decide are important to you.
- Write only what you are familiar with and passionate about. Readers can always identify what is not authentic. To make sure your writings are real:
- Read similar books.
- Research topics you don’t have enough information on
- Visit towns that will be the setting of your books
- Talk with someone that has an experience that is rich enough to share
- Read what you have written over and over again. Make changes, improve the grammar, correct typos, expand, deepen, and contract the story. Take out anything that does not add value.
- Have a dictionary and a thesaurus handy; these are always right. Re-confirm facts on trusted sites on the internet.
- Let someone else read your book or writings; a professional, an editor, another author, an avid reader of your writing genre.
- Never ever turn down criticism. Let it be a ray of light on your writing and review again. If you have an open mind, it can only get better.
- Don’t think you have to start with a big fat book. Write a column in a magazine, a contribution for a newspaper or a blog, minutes of an office meeting… anything to gain experience and share.
- Pray. God is the original source of inspiration.